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Page Title Heading 1, can decrease font size to fit title on page, underlined, top left aligned
(Leave a 16px space between Page Title and page content)
Description Of Acronym Heading 4, unbold all but the initials in the acronym, center aligned
(Leave a 16px space between acronym descriptions and page content as well)
Section Headings Heading 3, whatever alignment
Subsection Subheadings Heading 4, whatever alignment
Body text Paragraph 1, whatever alignment
Hyperlinks Paragraph 3, underlines
List item 1 Paragraph 1, make sure bullets are dark blue even if the items include links
(If list items are long and paragraph-like, leave 16px unbulleted spaces between items, otherwise put them right next to each other)
List item 2
Key Phrase: Explanation Paragraph 1, bold for key phrase only, capitalize initials in key phrase
Place this box behind any HTML/Google Drive/etc. embed, aligned center and with the top of the embed:
(Leave a 16px space between page content and footer)
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